There are various plugin formats supported by Zrythm, covered in プラグインのスキャン.
- インストゥルメント
These plugins will create an Instrument Track when added to the project.
- エフェクト
These plugins can be dragged into the insert slots of existing channels in the mixer or can be instantiated to create new FX tracks.
- モジュレータ
これらのプラグインは CV 信号を出力し、他のプラグインやトラックパラメータを変調するために使用することができます。
- MIDI エフェクト
These plugins modify incoming MIDI signals and can be used in the MIDI signal chain of an Instrument or MIDI Track.
Zrythm looks inside the plugin's metadata to determine what type the plugin is. If that is not enough, Zrythm makes a decision based on the number of audio, MIDI, control and CV input and output ports a plugin has.
Plugins consist of controls (parameters) and a variety of audio, MIDI and CV ports.
Zrythm first creates all plugins with the following special control ports. After these ports are created, Zrythm appends the rest of the plugin's ports.
- 有効
- ゲイン
プラグインの出力ボリュームを上げます (該当する場合)。
All of the plugin's ports will be shown in the plugin's inspector page