

Zrythm ships with a few bundled plugins to help users get started, but users can also download and install their own plugins that suit their preferences.


For users of Debian-based distributions (such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint) we recommend using the KXstudio repositories, as there are many plugins that can easily be installed via apt.

For users of Arch Linux-based distributions we recommend installing the pro-audio group.


Helm is an easy to use subtractive synthesizer.

Vitalium from DISTRHO Ports is a very powerful wavetable synthesizer.

Surge is a subtractive hybrid synthesizer with a unique interface.

Dexed はヤマハDX7を綿密にモデル化したFMシンセです。

ZynFusion is a powerful additive/subtractive synth that can synthesize a wide variety of sounds.


GeonKick is a kick drum synthesizer that can also synthesize other types of percussion.


プラグインがスキャンされるパスについては プラグインのスキャン を参照してください。


Freesound has presets available to download for specific plugins.

In the future, we will be offering preset packs for download.


フリーライセンスの SFZ インストルメントの一覧は、 sfz instruments にあります。


We recommend using Freesound for collecting CC-licensed samples.

We will also be offering sample packs for download in the future.