

Direct Connections

Zrythmpermet à l’utilisateur de connecter quasiment n’importe quel port à un n’importe quel autre porte, pour peu qu’ils soient compatibles.Par exemple, vous pouvez router la sortie CV d’un LFO vers le paramètre de cutoff du filtre d’un greffon.

Connections can be made by double clicking on ports in the Inspecteur de piste or the Page de l’inspecteur.


Plugin controls

In the popover, you can view existing connections and press Add to create a new connection.


Port connections for control

You can select the port to connect to in the presented dialog.


Selecting a new port to connect to

Chaînage latéral

Signal from tracks can be routed to plugins that have sidechain inputs via Aux Sends.


Selecting a new port to connect to

For example, you can use a compressor plugin on a bass track that accepts a sidechain input from a kick track to get a pumping/ducking effect.

Managing Connections

Connections can be managed in the Connections tab in the main manel.


Managing connections

Individual connections can be edited in the inspector pages by double clicking.


Editing a connection

You can click and drag the bar to select how much the connection should affect the signal. 100% means the whole signal will be passed from the source port to the destination port, and 0% means no signal will be allowed through.

The following controls are also available.

Enable/Disable Connection

Toggle whether the connection is enabled (active)

Delete Connection

Delete the connection

Graphe de routage

It may be helpful to be able to view the routing graph when making connections. We plan to add this functionality into Zrythm in the future, but for now Zrythm allows you to export the whole routing graph as an image, so you can view it externally.

See Graphe de routage for details.


This functionality is experimental.