Herramientas de edición

When working in each editor or arranger, you will most likely be using the cursor tools provided by Zrythm to create, edit and delete objects. Each cursor signifies a separate tool, and Zrythm offers the following tools.


Select Tool

In select mode, you can make object selections and create, move, clone and resize objects. This is the most common mode and the most common operations can be accomplished by just using this.

Creación de objetos

Using the select (default) tool, all objects are created by double clicking inside their corresponding arranger and dragging, then releasing when you are satisfied with the position/size.


Crear una región

Seleccionar objetos

Para seleccionar objetos, puedes hacer clic en ellos o en un espacio vacío y continuar arrastrando para hacer una selección, o hacer clic en Control para añadir objetos a la selección o quitarlos.

Los objetos seleccionados tendrán un color más iluminado que los objetos no seleccionados.


Selección de objetos

Mover objetos

Los objetos se mueven al hacer clic y arrastrándolos. Puedes mover regiones a otras pistas si los tipos de pista son compatibles.


Mover una región

Cloning (Copy-Moving) Objects

Mantener presionado Ctrl mientras mueves los objetos te permite copiar y mover los objetos a la nueva ubicación.


Copy-moving a region

Redimensionado de los objetos

Los objetos que tienen duración, como regiones y notas MIDI, se pueden redimensionar haciendo clic y arrastrando sus bordes.


Resizing a region

Repeating Objects

Regions can be repeated (looped) by moving the cursor on the bottom half of the object, then clicking and dragging.


Repeating a region

Regions that are repeated will display dashed lines at points where looping occurs, and a loop icon in their top right corner.


A repeated region

The position where the region will initially start playback (the clip start position) and the start/end loop points, can be adjusted in the clip editor.


Si la región ya está repetida, no se puede redimensionar hasta que sus puntos del bucle coincidan exactamente con los puntos de inicio y fin de la región.

Stretching Objects

To stretch one or more regions, hold Control while hovering the cursor at a top edge of a region, then click and drag.


Only non-repeated objects can be stretched.

Cortar objetos

You can Alt-click inside objects to break them up.


Cutting a region

Erasing Objects

Clicking and holding the right mouse button while hovering over objects in select mode will delete them.

Herramienta de edición

This tool is used to quickly create or delete objects. While you can still create objects using the Select tool by double clicking and dragging, with the Edit tool this is accomplished by single clicking and dragging, which is more efficient when creating a large number of objects.

Brush Mode

Si mantienes presionado Control mientras haces clic, puedes crear varios objetos en una fila (cuando corresponda) con una duración especificada por la configuración de ajuste correspondiente a cada editor.


Bulk-creating MIDI notes

Herramienta Cortar

The Cut tool behaves similarly to what is mentioned in Cortar objetos, with the exception that you can just click instead of Alt-clicking.

Herramienta Borrar

Using the Erase tool you can just click on objects to delete them, or click and drag to make a selection, deleting all objects inside it.

Ramp Tool

This tool is currently only used for editing velocities for MIDI notes. You can click and drag in the velocity editor to create velocity ramps.


Using the ramp tool on velocities

Herramienta Audición

The Audition tool is used to listen to specific parts of the song quickly. After enabling the audition tool, click anywhere to start playback from the position of the cursor and release the mouse button to stop.


Uso de la herramienta Audición