La interfície de Zrythm es divideix en diversos submòduls.

Annotated user interface¶
Cada submòdul s’explica en la seva pròpia secció.
Quadre principal (2)
Quadre esquerre (3)
Quadre inferior (4)
Quadre dret (5)
Managing Panels¶
The left, right and bottom panels can be toggled using their corresponding toggle buttons in the main toolbar and transport bar.

Left panel toggle¶
Els quadres contenen diverses vistes, cadascuna de les quals es fa visible fent clic a la pestanya corresponent.

Panel tabs¶
Vistes separades¶
Views in each panel are detachable. To detach a view into its own separate window, click and drag its tab icon to the 3rd button that appears in the middle of the panel.

Detaching the timeline view¶
The view will be detached into a new window.

Vista de la línia de temps separada¶