Файлы и каталоги

Путь пользователя

When Zrythm is launched for the first time, it will also ask you to select a directory for saving your user data. See Zrythm user path for details.

Установленные файлы

При установке Zrythm устанавливает следующие файлы по умолчанию


A freedesktop-compliant configuration file that describes how a particular program should be launched, how it appears in menus, etc. This is normally installed at /usr/share/applications/zrythm.desktop.

GLib Schema

This file contains the schema for user configurations. It is normally installed at /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.zrythm.Zrythm.gschema.xml.

Значок рабочего стола

This is used by the desktop environment. Normally installed at /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/zrythm.svg.

Файлы локализации

Файлы локализации устанавливаются в папку /usr/share/locale. Например, /usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/zrythm.mo для корейского языка.

Сэмплы (Sampes)

Аудиосэмплы по умолчанию, используемые в Zrythm (например, метроном). Обычно устанавливается в /usr/share/zrythm/samples.


Unless your distribution provides packages for the required fonts, fonts required by Zrythm will normally be installed under /usr/share/fonts/zrythm.

GtkSourceView Stylesheets

Zrythm will install CSS stylesheets to be used by some text input widgets under /usr/share/zrythm/sourceview-styles.


Default themes (including icon themes) will normally be installed under /usr/share/zrythm/themes.


Zrythm provides ways to override some of these files with user-specified files in the Zrythm user path. See Создание тем интерфейса for details.

User Files

Cached Plugin Descriptors

Plugin descriptor cache for faster scanning. This is found at cached_plugin_descriptors.yaml under the Zrythm user path.

Коллекции плагинов

This file contains your plugin collections. It is found at plugin_collections.yaml under the Zrythm user path.

Настройки плагина

Located at plugin-settings.yaml under the Zrythm user path, this is a collection of per-plugin settings, such as whether to open the plugin with Carla, the bridge mode to use and whether to use a generic UI.


Этот файл создается и поддерживается Zrythm автоматически, пользователи не должны его редактировать.

Log File

Zrythm will write to a log file on each run inside the log subdirectory under the Zrythm user path. The filename will contain the current date and time, for example log_2020-06-26_15-34-19.log.

This log file is useful for debugging crashes and other problems.